Tuesday, April 14
Wednesday, April 8
You Capture - Week Seven - Fun
My kiddos have a picnic at the Lake on a beautiful Northern California day.
My brother and my daughter planting strawberries.
Don't forget to check out I Should Be Folding Laundry for more You Capture photos.
Mee Wee Review
Mee Wee is designed as "Hop music for elementary school age children". I'll admit I am a fan of hip hop and my itunes library is full of songs that I don't let my kids listen to. Even when listening to the radio I often find myself turning the channel because the lyrics are not appropriate for my 5 and 2 year old.
Mee Wee's songs are catchy and my kiddos caught on really quick. My 5 years can sing almost all the songs and requested them over and over. Especially "Hip-Hop-O-Potamus". I found the songs to be a refreshing change from the same old kids tunes that we have heard over and over again and much more age appropriate then the songs on the radio today. The kids also had a blast dancing to the music.
You can purchase Mee Wee Hip Hop for kids by clicking on the Itunes link on the Mee Wee website.
Thursday, March 26
You Capture - Reflection
I know the point is to go out and shoot this week but I have a couple of reflection pictures that I took because I loved the look of the reflection so I think they fit this week's challenge. I took these in January in State Line, Nevada from the 18th floor of Harrah's casino. I want to have these picture printed and framed and hang them in the living room.
Lake Tahoe
Don't forget to check out I Should Be Folding Laundry for more You Capture photos.
Tuesday, March 24
Congratulations to:
Random Integer Generator
Here are your random numbers:2 3
Timestamp: 2009-03-25 20:15:44 UTC
2- Penelope
3 - Mom to Three
Clorox canisters
Congratulations to:
Random Integer Generator
Here are your random numbers:
8 - Just Jill
3 - JK
1 - Tammy
11 - Leigh Spoon
10 - Leigh Spoon
23 - Sportzgrl4God
17 - Peggy
6 - Penelope
7 - Andrea
I have sent you each an e-mail. Please respond within 48 hours or I'll have to pick new winners and I don't want to do that!
Tuesday, March 17
You Capture - Shadows
This was the lamp in our hotel room at the W in Atlanta. I love that lamp! I took pictures of it with the light on and off and with a flash and without. Love shadows shapes.
Don't forget to check out I Should Be Folding Laundry for more You Capture photos.
Want to win something? Enter my current giveaways here and here.
Magic Senses soap and a GIVEAWAY - CLOSED
Note: the coupon is good for all categories with the exception of the Soap Subscriptions.
I will select 2 winners at random on Wednesday March 24rd at 12pm pacific time. You must have a valid e-mail address to win. If you do not respond to my e-mail within 48 hours I will select a new winner.
Thanks and GOOD LUCK!
What I Learned This Week
Since I missed last week I am going to let you know what I learned on my Girls Weekend in Atlanta.
I learned:
- No matter how big an airport is somehow you just end up on the right escalator.
- New hotels don't always have the best housekeeping and 4 star restaurants can have amazing food and horrible staff.
- Target in a different state with your girlfriends is much more fun then the Target at home. No matter how many times you hubby says you flew to Georgia to go to Target??
- It's puh-chan not pee-can.
- The Waffle House is yummy and a little scary.
- Tom-Toms don't always point you in the right direction but that's half the fun.
- I really like Grape Martinis and Berger cookies. Anderson Cooper is IN. If given the choice between the chicken and the hat I would chose the chicken.
- I can still function on very little sleep.
- I miss my girls! We had a fabulous weekend in Atlanta and now they are gone and we are back to e-mailing 100 times a day, IM'ing, texting and calling. I saw a picture frame in Target that sums up my feelings. It said "Don't cry because it's over, SMILE because it happened.
For more What I Learned This Week visit Musings of a Housewife.
Sunday, March 15
Clorox Disinfecting Wipes new Decor canisters AND a GIVEAWAY - CLOSED
- Come in eight unique color palettes to match any home decor
- Feature a sleek new shape and wider mouth
- Have a new effortless single sheet dispensing system
- Has the same disinfecting power of their namesake wipes
- Are fashionable enough to be left on the countertop
Being the great company that they are Clorox even included some coupons for a FREE New canister of Clorox Disinfecting Wipes. So I am sharing with you! I have 9 FREE coupons to giveaway!
Here's what to do:
1. Go to the Clorox and come back here and let me know in the comments which new canister is your favorite.
2. For an additional entry follow me on Twitter @jeskbmom and come back here and leave a comment letting me know you are following me.
I will select 9 winners at random on Tuesday March 24th at 12pm pacific time. (US shipping Only) Since there are two ways to win you can win more then one coupon! You must have a valid e-mail address to win. If you do not respond to my e-mail within 48 hours I will select a new winner.
Thanks and GOOD LUCK!
Thursday, March 5
Girls Weekend
Tomorrow I am heading across the country to spending time with five amazing women. I am looking forward to laughing so hard my cheeks hurts, telling stories until the sun comes up, discussing the plot for the New Moon movie, figuring out what the heck sweet tea, old bay and Berger cookies are, trying a Grape Martini and some Alabama wine.
I am also wondering how a self proclaimed over packer will find a way to fit everything into one carry one suitcase without smashing the Sees candy I am bringing. Priorities. Un-smooshed candy is at the top of the list.
Watch out Hotlanta - here we come!
Wednesday, March 4
You Capture - March 4
Sunday, March 1
The Intrepid Traveler - Travel Guides
When Mom Fuse asked if I would be interested in reviewing a travel guide from The Intrepid Traveler I took a look and knew that The Hassle-Free Walt Disney World Vacation 2009 would be a perfect fit for me! I have been to Disney World twice before but never with the kids and never with a large group.
Yes, I am working with someone from Disney's Magical Gatherings to plan this trip. I find that their help is limited to: here are your options - you pick. I need a little more. I need tips, tricks, ideas on what to do while we are there. The Hassle-Free Walt Disney World Vacation 2009 has been a great help!

The first thing I noticed was the book gets right to the point. No long intro, no fluff, straight and to the point and that's what I need!
I often find myself flipping through the book trying to find a specific page. You know what would have been perfect with this book? those little post-it flags that you can mark sections and pages for easy reference. note to self... get flags at Target.
I am enjoying the "Where To Eat" and the breakout of what to do with young children, families and even seniors. There is even a section on "Fun Outside the Theme Park" with tips on fun things you can do at all the hotels.
This book is just what I was looking for to help plan my trip. It is full of tips but it is not overwhelming to read or to remember. I would highly recommend this book to anyone planning an upcoming trip to Disney World. Even if you have been before you will learn something new. You can order The Hassle-Free Walt Disney World Vacation 2009 along with a selection of other travel guides on the Intrepid Traveler Website for only $15.95.
Nubar nail lacquer
From their website: Nubar is a leading manufacturer and distributor of innovative, high-quality Nail Art and Nail Care products. nubar’s non-toxic line contains zero Formaldehyde, Toluene or (DBP) Phthalate. Choose from over 180 colors, 14 nail treatments, 48 colors of nail art and color changing nail lacquers.
The color in the bottle was very true to the color that came out on the nails. I only had to use one coat for my daughter. The best thing about the Nubar nail lacquer was the drying time. I painted her fingers nails first and they were totally dry by the time I finished her toes. VERY NICE for use on kids who love to squirm and aren't willing to sit down for too long, or for the Mom on the go who only has a couple minutes to get some color on those nails.
Overall I was very impressed with the Nubar nail lacquer and can't wait to try some colors of the 180 colors.
You can purchase Nubar nail Lacquer on their website.
Wednesday, February 25
You Capture - Feb 25
The first You Capture challenge was to "Take a picture of something you love... without the flash". So the hard part was trying to find something beyond the obvious kids, hubby, my Twilight series.
So my first thought was... I can sneak Twilight into this. My favorite paragraph.
Cuddle Stuff
In our house just before bedtime is cuddle time. The kids run and get their cuddle stuff and they each pick out a book and we cuddle and I read B's book and K reads her book to us. This is my favorite part of the day. It's the thing I look forward to most.
Tuesday, February 24
What I learned this week - Feb 24
I learned this week that I never know what to say, that it's hard for me to put my thoughts into words that really express how I am feeling.
Last week I read a post that I wanted so badly to comment on but I had no idea how to put into words how worried I am, how much I ache for the writer, how much their words inspire me; without coming off like a stalker.
Last week I must have started at least 100 @ replies on Twitter only to delete thinking someone was going to think I was annoying.
Last week my Mom got some potentially horrible news and I had no idea what to say to calm her, to make everything all right, to let her know that I was there without physically being there.
Then when Mom was told the news wasn't as critical as first believed to be I couldn't put into word how happy I was. Nor could I explain to her my intense hope that she takes this news and does what she knows she needs to do to prolong her her life.
It's funny because if you knew me you would know that I am never at a loss for words... the problem is I am at a loss for the right words. I learned that I need to stop worrying about what other people will think about what I say or write and just do it. Speak from heart. I'll be working on that this week.
For more What I Learned This Week visit Musings of a Housewife.
Monday, February 23
Little Miss Matched
Little Miss Matched's philosophy is "nothing matches but anything goes!" Thanks to Mom Fuse we recently had the opportunity to try the Girls Marvelous fuzzy socks. You're probably thinking cute a pair of socks... but there is more. Instead of a pair of socks you get 3 socks that are miss-matched (get it?) but all 3 go together perfectly. You can pick any combination of the 3 to wear together.
Keep checking back, I'll have another give away soon.
Tuesday, February 17
What I Learned This Week - Feb 17
This has been a very educational week so it's time for a What I Learned This Week list.
- Having house guests and keeping the house organized and clean does not always mix.
- Buying a new washer and dryer makes doing laundry so much quicker, but that also means that the folding needs to happen much quicker... I am not a folder.
- Taking the 5 year old to see High School Musical on Ice isn't that bad... especially when Troy is sporting a 24-pack. Yes there was nudity can you believe it. And you should have heard the Moms howling with delight.
- When it rains in California no one leaves the house except maybe to run to Home Depot to start building that ark. This means there are no lines in the Starbucks drive thru.
- When Nana comes to visit and offers to watch the kids so you and hubby can go on a date - GO! It was so nice to hang out with the hubby.
- When you have been married for awhile and have a couple of kids a date consists of dinner and a Target run... so romantic.
- When you know that one of your favorite shows will be starting on Feb 15th set the dvr right away otherwise you will forget and miss the 1st episode of Amazing Race.
For more What I Learned This Week visit Musings of a Housewife.
Saturday, February 14
My Magical World
When we started the DVD I was impressed by all the options. You could add sign language to the story, there were song, and A Rhyme Time game of Who am I. My daughter wanted to play the game first. It was fun for her. A poem was read that describes something and she needed to guess what it was and after she guessed (a lion) the narrator talked all about lion. My 2 year old ran around screaming LION LION. The kids had a lot of fun playing this game.
My 2 year old liked the stories but my 5 year old got a little bored after a few minutes. She found it a little hard to follow because some of the characters were hard to understand and she can’t quiet read to follow along in the book. My 2 year old wanted to keep watching. He really liked Sammy the Book Jumper.
There are also some songs to listen to. Again my 2 year old loved them but my 5 year old had never heard them and they didn’t capture her attention. The Bubble Song was B's favorite.
I think the age limit on this may be a little more toward the lower range of the 2-6 that the DVD advertises for.
For more information on My Magical World you can go to their website at http://www.cleargatekids.com/.
Tuesday, February 10
What I learned this week
A friend mentioned that she found a really good recipe on a blog. You probably already know where I am going with this. So I have read the Twilight series (twice) and was looking for something to keep me preoccupied so I visited the blog. I fell in love. Really I did... with a blog. I mean have you all read this or tried this or took a look at this?
Head over to Musings of a Housewife for more What I Learned This Week and don't forget to check out my PakNak's giveaway.
Saturday, February 7
Pak Naks and a GIVEAWAY - CLOSED!
The first time I saw PakNaks was on on another blog and I thought they looked really cute. When I was offered the chance to review them for Mom Fuse I said sign me up!
My daughter loves things that set her apart. Things that make her stand out and things that make other people say "how cute" I think so she has an excuse to talk to them. I am one of those mean Moms that will not let her have a character backpack. I don't like the idea of Hannah Montana hanging around with her all day nor do I want her teased for her love of the Backyardigans. The moment she laid eyes on the PakNaks she screamed "These are so cool MOM can I put them on my backpack?" and she didn't even realize that exactly one of the things she could do with them.
From their website PakNaks are: PakNaks are fun soft rubbery 3-D decorations for kids (and adults too!) to personalize all of their stuff. Backpacks, lunchbags, headbands, computer bags, household items, the list is only limited by your imagination.
PakNaks are GREAT! There are so many styles to choose. Check out their website to see all the great styles available.
Vitamin Shampoo
A picture from their website
They are thin, tall and don't take up that much room in the shower. My favorite part of this product- the scent! My hair smells so good just ask the Hubby. He loves it too. I like a shampoo and conditioner that leaves your hair smelling good but not too floral or over the top. It's just the perfect amount of berry/citrus type smell.
The first time I washed my hair I noticed the label said "sulfate free" and "paraben free". Honestly I have no idea what that meant so I looked at the other shampoos I have and they all have sulfate and paraben in their ingredient list. So off the the net to investigate. You know you can find anything on the net! From what I can find products that are sulfate free don't strip the natural oils, they are milder to your skin and they are non-stinging or tear-free. It also looks like recent studies are starting to find some problems with paraben. I am not a scientist so I won't go into the deals you can google it. All I know is that my hair was soft, smooth and smelled really good and that's what I am looking for in a shampoo and conditioner.
Another thing I like - you can find this product at major stores. So many time you find something you like but you have to order online and pay extra shipping. They have Vitamin Shampoo at Wal-Mart and coming soon to Target. When I run out I will definitely try Vitamin Shampoo again I really want to try the pomegranate blackberry. I bet that smells great.
Tuesday, January 27
What I learned this week...
So what did I lean this week? I learned to always check the dollar section at Target. The preferred method would be without kids because you can only have so many Strawberry Shortcake note pads or or black felt art sets. Last week I added a new small hamper for K's room and a handheld duster to my list of "things to get".
Sunday, January 25
You're going to thank me for this
There will be hundreds no wait probably thousands of giveaways all list on one page. Each link in Mr. Linky on the Bloggy Giveaway website will take you to another giveaway. This is so much fun and totally addictive. Check every day because new giveaway are posted all the time. And guess what... I be hosting my very first giveaway next week. Don't forget to enter. Have fun, good luck and don't forget to share.
Saturday, January 24
Kids Central Kitchen
From their website Kids Central Kitchen-
We offer natural, whole grain baking mixes for today’s active kids and their families! Also enjoy a fun and colorful selection of children’s cooking utensils, baking pans, mixing bowls, cookie cutters, sprinkles, chef hats, aprons, party favors, baking gift sets and other fun baking supplies.Our mixes are easy to make! NO trans fats, NO hydrogenated oils, NO high fructose corn syrup and NO artificial flavors, colors or preservatives. Even low fat, low cholesterol and vegan recipes are available. Simple ingredients make simply delicious wholesome snacks for your family!
Our baking mixes are carefully prepared and packaged in the U.S.A.
There is a lot about that paragraph that I like. Did you see how healthy these mixes are? We received Snow Angel Sugar Cookie, Swinging Monkey Banana Bread, Flip Flop Flapjacks Pancake Mix and a kid’s chef hat – so cute! This weekend Nana was here so K decided that she wanted to make Nana breakfast. I was surprised at how simple these were to make. All we needed was water, milk, non fat plain yogurt and the mix.
I let K mix everything herself and she had so much fun playing chef.
Mom took over when it was time to cook the pancakes. They look delicious!
The box said it would make 21 small pancakes but I was able to make 14 medium size pancakes. Plenty for us. They were REALLY good. My daughter asked for more, my 2 year old ate 4 yes 4 pancakes… he is a growing boy. Nana even had seconds. They were a huge hit. My only recommendation is that you read the directions as soon as you get this mixes. I found that the pancake mix wasn’t something I could just make the day after I got them because plain non fat yogurt is not something I keep in my frig so I had to wait until the next time I went to the store.
I can’t wait to try their cookie mixes, they look amazing. The thing I like best about this line of products is that it is something I don’t have to think twice about giving my kids. I could pronounce every ingredient on the back, they are healthy AND they taste good.
If you go out to the website check out their baking kits – what a great idea!
Thank you Kids Central Kitchen and Mom Fuse.
Friday, January 23
Parking Pal
Since my daughter was old enough to walk we have always had a saying, “One hand on Rocket”. Rocket is our car. She was going through her Little Einstein’s phase when she named our beloved SUV. One hand on rocket meant that she would stand next to me by the car and always have one hand on the car, always touching Rocket. This was especially helpful when her brother was born and getting in and out of the car became a huge ordeal.
The Parking Pal is similar to those magnetic ribbons that you see on the back of cars. It is circle with a fun design and a hand print showing exactly where the kids should keep their hands. The Parking Pal makes “One hand on Rocket” fun for my kids. From their website the Parking Pal is described as:
The first time I put the Parking Pal on the car my daughter asked why I didn’t buy one of these before. The first thing they do when they are out of the car is put on hand on the Parking Pal. I think it would make a great gift especially if you know someone who is having a new baby with an older sibling.HOW IT WORKS: Place the Parking Pal on the side of your vehicle, where it will remain safely attached at all times. It was specifically designed with bright colors, playful illustrations, and a small palm children love to place their hands on. After a couple learning sessions, your child will discover that the Parking Pal is their safe spot, and they will know where to go the second they are outside the car. It also helps teach them that parking lots are no place to play.
This is a great idea and a great product! Thank you Parking Pal and Mom Fuse.
Monday, January 12
SingStar Vol 2
When we were asked if we would be willing to review SingStar vol 2 my first thought was A PLAYSTATION GAME? You really want to send me a PlayStation game to review? HECK YEAH!
We played SingStar the first night we got it and just about every night since. I LOVE THIS GAME! Oh wait it was supposed to be for K wasn't it?
So here is what I like:
- The game came with 2 microphones which means Mommy can sing too! It also means no failing and more points so K doesn't think she did that bad. The one thing I really don't like about the other singing games we have is that my perfectionist daughter always feels like a failure when Simon tells her how horrible she is. Maybe at 16 she can handle that but she is 5. We love doing the duets and even Daddy gets to play.
- The videos! With every song you get to watch the actual video from the song.
- The parental control. There are a few videos that can be inappropriate for 5 year olds and this game provides you with a means to block them. Love that option.
- The songs! Most of the songs are recent with some golden oldies that like Pretty Fly for a White Guy, Funky Cold Medina and California Dreaming. I didn't say how old.
- Download options - I love that you can go online and download more songs. You do have to pay but we can pick songs the kids know which makes it even more fun for the family.
I am really impressed with SingStar vol 2. We have had so much fun playing night after night. And I'll brag a little about my score of over 6,000 points on Beverly Hills. So who's coming over to play??
You can buy SingStar vol 2 here. You better start practicing if you want to beat me.
Thank you Sony and Mom Fuse!