When Mom Fuse asked if I would be interested in reviewing a travel guide from The Intrepid Traveler I took a look and knew that The Hassle-Free Walt Disney World Vacation 2009 would be a perfect fit for me! I have been to Disney World twice before but never with the kids and never with a large group.
Yes, I am working with someone from Disney's Magical Gatherings to plan this trip. I find that their help is limited to: here are your options - you pick. I need a little more. I need tips, tricks, ideas on what to do while we are there. The Hassle-Free Walt Disney World Vacation 2009 has been a great help!

The first thing I noticed was the book gets right to the point. No long intro, no fluff, straight and to the point and that's what I need!
I often find myself flipping through the book trying to find a specific page. You know what would have been perfect with this book? those little post-it flags that you can mark sections and pages for easy reference. note to self... get flags at Target.
I am enjoying the "Where To Eat" and the breakout of what to do with young children, families and even seniors. There is even a section on "Fun Outside the Theme Park" with tips on fun things you can do at all the hotels.
This book is just what I was looking for to help plan my trip. It is full of tips but it is not overwhelming to read or to remember. I would highly recommend this book to anyone planning an upcoming trip to Disney World. Even if you have been before you will learn something new. You can order The Hassle-Free Walt Disney World Vacation 2009 along with a selection of other travel guides on the Intrepid Traveler Website for only $15.95.
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