Wednesday, November 12

Mommy Blogs

On Wednesdays I am going to share some of my favorite websites and this week it's all about the Mommy blog. I don't know how this all started but I think the first Mommy blog I read was Mama's on a Playdate's blog about her daughter Allie. I clicked a link on a sidebar to another site and then another and I have been hooked ever since. I have a very large blogroll that I'll share with you. I check their site almost daily. I try to comment as much as possible especially after one of the bloggers posted about how comments are like pats on the back and make the posters feel better and I am all about making someone smile. Almost every day someone posts something I can totally relate to and make me feel like I am not alone out here.

So here are a couple of my favs for this week:
  • Musings of a Housewife - She tells it like it is and every week she tells a story that makes me laugh or nod in agreement because my kids just did the same thing. She's also the one that introduced me to Twitter.

  • I Should be Folding Laundry - An amazing women who has been through some tough times lately and has blogged it all. She open, honest and OH MY you HAVE to check out her photography.

  • The Daily Mish Mash - This lady cracks me up! She is hilarious. You must be sure to stop by her site every Friday for some eye candy.

  • Bakerella - You probably don't know this but I want to grow up to be the Ace of Cakes or Bakerella. I want to make everything she posts about but I just know it won't be that cute. I will be trying her cupcake pops this holiday season.

  • - I check this site every day to find some of the greatest deals on the web.

So there you have it, the first 5 on my blogroll. Oh but wait there is more, much, much more.