Thursday, November 27
Gobble gobble fat turkey fat turkey
Do you clean the house before you travel?
I always clean up before we head anywhere. I can't stand coming home to a mess. I won't leave a dirty dish in the dish washer. Hubby thinks it's weird. He says wait until we get home. I want to come home and relax and not lift a finger. Am I the only one? Is it really that odd that I have spent the morning scrubbing the floor and doing laundry while watching the Thanksgiving Day parade?
I'll be back on Monday. Don't get trampled shopping on Black Friday! I can't wait to hear about all the deals you all find while I am sleeping in. Please kiddos just this once let Mommy sleep in. Pretty please.
Wednesday, November 26
More of my blogroll
More of the blogs that I read everyday. Yes every single day.
- Rocks in my Dryer - also know as the home of "Works for Me Wednesday" (WFMW) and "What I'd like you to know". Today is a great day to check out this site. WFMW is up and as of this posting there are links to 178 WFMW posts.
- Perez Hilton - Now you know who to come to if you want to know all the details of Heidi and Spencer's wedding. I know. Don't judge. It's my guilty pleasure.
- I Need a Martini Mom - I love the stories this Kindergarten teacher has to share. And her insight to raising teenage girls, I'm taking notes.
- Big Mama - I am in awe of the way this woman writes. She has a gift for telling a story and often has one to tell that I can relate to.
My last link for today is very important this time of year. Not only is it the holiday season; a chance to spend quality time with your family. It's also the holiday movie season! One of my favorite tradition is checking out ABC Family's 25 Days of Christmas and setting the DVR. Nothing better then curling up on a cold raining day watching Christmas movies.
Tuesday, November 25
Random Acts of Kindness ROCK!
A couple of weeks ago one of my friends wrote a post about World Kindness Day. It really made me think. I am the type of person who tries really hard to do nice things for people but sometimes life gets in the way. I made a mental note that I really needed to make more of an effort to do something just because it would make someone else smile. Then I got the call about Mom and rushed to be with her and lived in my own little world for the past week. I am spent both emotionally and physically. I didn't realize Thanksgiving was this week until K reminded me that she didn't have school on Monday. Ooops Mom of the year.
So this morning when K asked if she could please go to Starbucks I checked my wallet for cash and said sure. Anyone else feel guilty going to Starbucks when they have to put it on their debit card?
We ordered and got up to the window and the barista said it's your lucky day, the car in front of you paid for your drinks she said to tell you to have a nice day. I started crying. The lady in front of me was a complete stranger. I remember the car and I know I have never seen it before, I know I have never seen the women. I can't believe that someone said I'll pay for that person's drinks and drove away.
I felt so guilty. I tried to pay for the car behind me but would you believe there were NO cars behind me. At Starbucks at 8:00am not one car. Why is it that you feel guilty when someone does something nice for you. Like you don't deserve it.
So today I drank my coffee and it tasted better then ever and I am smiling. I don't know who you are but you made my day. You made me smile and that's been hard to come by these days. You taught my daughter a lesson in being kind and seeing what it's like to have someone do something for you just because. THANK YOU!
Monday, November 24
Yes - I cook
The Pampered Chef ®Mini Glazed Lemon Cakes
2 tbsp butter, softened, divided
2 tbsp sugar
2 small lemons, divided
1 pkg (9 oz) yellow cake mix
1 egg
1 container (8 oz) sour cream
Glaze and Garnish
2 tbsp lemon juice (from lemon used for cakes)
2 tbsp butter
1/4 cup sugar
For cakes, brush six Prep Bowls with 1 tbsp of the butter; sprinkle evenly with sugar.
Zest remaining lemon using Microplane® Adjustable Grater to measure 1 tbsp zest; set lemon aside for glaze.
Meanwhile, for glaze, juice reserved lemon to measure 2 tbsp juice.
To serve, gently tap sides of bowls to release cakes; invert cakes onto Cutting Board. Transfer cakes to serving plates using Mini-Serving Spatula. Drizzle glaze over cakes.
Thursday, November 20
My all time favorite - Family & Friends
As I was driving the sun was setting and both sides of the highway were covered with the most beautiful grapevines in the most amazing shades of yellow, orange and red. That's fall in the Wine Country. I couldn't help but smile, to feel ok about everything, to know deep in my heart that everything was going to be OK. And the cell rang again, more friends to keep me company on my drive. When a friend called late on Tues night my bro said, "Wow you really have great friends". I DO!
For the past two days I have been surrounded by love and by the most thoughtful, caring people I know. The hubby has taken care of everything with the kiddos and hasn't allowed me to stress about not being home for one moment. K made sure that I had two Junie B books so I could still read to her at night so I wouldn't miss her too much. B calls me and tells me what's in his tummy and that he misses Momma. My friends from all over the country have texted, called, e-mailed and posted prayers, positive thoughts and even made me laugh. On top of all of this I work for an amazing company. A company that really believes in family and has made sure that I know that my family is the priority.
Everything you all have done for me has allowed me to focus on Mom. To help her, to stay with her, to get her through this rough time. Tonight Mom came home. She is doing ok. It's going to be awhile before she is herself both physically and mentally but she is going to be fine. She gave me a great big hug today and said thank you for being here I really needed you. I thought about everything it took to get me here and for me to be able to stay here for her and it's all because of you - THANK YOU I really needed you.
Tuesday, November 18
Clean kisses and huggies

Monday, November 17
Saving you time and money
Jo-Lynne from Musings of a Houswife has taken the time to search to the end of the Internet to find some of the best and most unique holiday gifts. There is a section for men, women, kids, jewelry, stocking stuffers and everything in between. My favorites are here, here, here, and if you know the Hubby tell him to go here. Make sure you click on the button above to check out the guide and look for special discounts codes on many of the products.
5 more favs
1. Taylor Swift's new CD Fearless - K and I bought it this weekend and one of our rules is that Mom has to listen to the whole CD first. There is something about Taylor Swift that I really like something that I never got from Miley. The songs are sweet even though she is totally boy crazy... but who wasn't at 15. So far my favs are Love Story and Fifteen. It's Mom approved.
2. Chic Critique - another website I love. The authors describe the site as "We are regular women reviewing beauty products for regular women. " So far I have bought three products based on reviews from this site this, this and this.
3. Hallmark movies - I love this time of year and all the new Hallmark movies. Have you seen the "Love Comes Softly" series? SO GOOD and something you don't have to pause when the kids come in the room. There are six movies in the saga. Set your DVR to tape them all; promise you won't regret it.
4. Friday Night Lights - 2 words... Kyle Chandler. If that wasn't enough this is the BEST show on TV even if you don't like football. The portrayal of the kids and families on this show is REAL. The dynamic between the Coach (Chandler) and his wife and daughter could happen in any American home. It's real and many times I forget they are actors. I love this show! This season is being shown on Direct TV channel 101 but will be shown on NBC next year. You still have time to get caught up! Oh and the best thing about watching on channel 101 - no commercials.
5. Quick Salsa - My neighbor gave me this quick recipe and my blender broke while making it - it was that good. Either that or the blender flipped out because I made salsa and margaritas in the same night and it didn't know what to do. It's so easy and so yummy.
2 cans of Petite Cut Diced with Zesty Jalapenos - Del Monte brand
juice from 2 limes
Mix it all in a blender
And there you have it!
Thursday, November 13
Gift cards - yes or no?
Gift cards - great gift or no thought? Let me know what you think in the comments.
Here my 2 cents - This year I
Then I started reading about a backlash on gift cards and how they are impersonal and take no thought. I tend to disagree. Personally I would much rather get a gift card then another vanilla scented bath basket. I like the idea that people can go and get what they want or need with a gift card.
I may be in the minority but I even like the idea of gift cards for kids. I love taking K shopping and letting her figure out how much she has to spend and picking something out that fits her budget. I think the idea of a gift card for a book store for a 5 year old is a wonderful idea. Yes, I know exactly how much you spent but I don't care. It really is the thought and anyway I am a Mom and a shopaholic so I already know how much everything is. I like the idea that you can have a budget and stick to it and not have to worry about wrapping paper and cards and bows.
And just to make things a little more personal I'll be sure to add a picture of the kiddos; because you know that's what Grandparents really want. If you need it to be a little more personal I'll let you take the kiddos for a whole weekend... my treat. Oh wait... that would be a gift for me. I am sneaky like that.
Wednesday, November 12
Mommy Blogs
So here are a couple of my favs for this week:
- Musings of a Housewife - She tells it like it is and every week she tells a story that makes me laugh or nod in agreement because my kids just did the same thing. She's also the one that introduced me to Twitter.
- I Should be Folding Laundry - An amazing women who has been through some tough times lately and has blogged it all. She open, honest and OH MY you HAVE to check out her photography.
- The Daily Mish Mash - This lady cracks me up! She is hilarious. You must be sure to stop by her site every Friday for some eye candy.
- Bakerella - You probably don't know this but I want to grow up to be the Ace of Cakes or Bakerella. I want to make everything she posts about but I just know it won't be that cute. I will be trying her cupcake pops this holiday season.
- - I check this site every day to find some of the greatest deals on the web.
So there you have it, the first 5 on my blogroll. Oh but wait there is more, much, much more.
Tuesday, November 11
I'm a Tip Junkie
and the 12 Days of Junkie giveaways starting on Tuesday November 11. The shopathon features Mom-preneur's and their talent. Let's help support other Moms and buy homemade this year! One of the things I like best is how all the products are categorized and easy to find.
My favs - check out the Ducky Soaps, Elli Noelle Designs and Simply Silhouettes. Time to go shopping!
What's New - Baggu's
Everywhere you look, at every store you go to you see reusable bags. Bags with ads for the local grocery store, or just plain green or black. I wanted something with a little more color, something that everyone would see and ask "Where did you get those bags?". I was visiting one of my daily Mommy blogs and saw a review for Baggus. The bright colors immediately caught my eye. Then I saw the price. A little steep for me. Then I went shopping and came home with 25 plastic bags. Yep 25. I only have one cat this plastic bag thing isn't working. So I took a leap, spent the money and bought 6 Baggus in colors like persimmon, saffron, peacock and lime.
I love these things. The colors are great, the are very sturdy and you can fit the contents of at least 3 plastics bags in one Baggu. They each come with a little pocket to store them in. They fit perfectly in your purse so you always have one with you. Every time I pull out my Baggus everyone asks where I got them... just what I wanted.
I use my Baggus for more then just grocery shopping. I take them to the beach, use them to bring in Kindy snack, soccer snack, trick or treat bags, and to carry all those extras you take with you on vacation. I always carry one in my diaper bag and purse because you never know when you are going to need a bag.
A quick tip - when you take your Baggu out of the pocket, put the pocket in the bottom of the bag. That way when you empty your bags you pocket will be right there and you won't lose it... I only lost one before I figured it out.
Monday, November 10
Better then sliced bread

Mr Clean Magic Erasers. These things are amazing. I use them to clean everything and they really do clean almost everything. I have been able to get gum off a wall, sharpie off a dresser, clean my baseboards, and oh my do they work wonders on tile grout. You know I luv you because look - You can get a FREE Mr Clean Magic Eraser

Saturday, November 8
This is Reviewza-palooza
I thought for awhile about what to write about. I am not a writer. I am not the most articulate person. I am fluent in two year old, Kindergartenese, Gossip Girl, gansta rap and did I mention I work full time. Not bad for a college educated girl from the suburbs. I would venture to guess that most of the Moms at school don't know the real me, unless they happen to walk by when my cell phone rings "Ice-Ice Baby" which means I am getting a text. Texting... one of my favorite things, but we'll get to that.
I thought about a kids blog a place to post all the craziness that is our lives; but I already do that and it's a private blog. I read somewhere that google is forever and I don't think the hubby is ready for the internet to read all about our lives.
So I figured I would do what I do best and that is ramble. A little bit of this and a little bit of that with a sprinkle of toddler antics and Kindy sass. Most of all I want to share about the things I know and love.
For now here's the line-up:
- Mondays - Things I know and Love
- Tuesdays - What's New
- Wednesdays - The Wide Web World
- Thursdays - You tell me - Question of the Week
- Friday - Anything Goes
I hope you'll have fun getting to know me and my world.