Wednesday, April 8

You Capture - Week Seven - Fun

This past weekend I took the kiddos home. Well to the place I grew up. The whole weekend I kept thinking - get the FUN shot. So I got a few to share.

On Saturday morning around 7:30am I heard a really loud noise, then I heard it again. I knew exactly what it was from 18 years of living there. I woke the kids up and we rushed into the backyard to find this landing in the field behind my Dad's house.

My kiddos have a picnic at the Lake on a beautiful Northern California day.

My brother and my daughter planting strawberries.

And since I missed last week I had to add my view of Spring from Sonoma County.

Don't forget to check out I Should Be Folding Laundry for more You Capture photos.


Christy M. said...

The hot air balloon is beautiful! It looks like you had alot of FUN on your trip!

Great captures :)

Anonymous said...

You had a busy weekend! Looks like everyone had a good time.

Michelle Simpson Photos said...

I love the hot air balloon! What a fun experience!

InTheFastLane said...

Nice shots! It does look like fun.

Erin said...

I love the hot air balloon! That definitely looks like fun.

Mom To Three said...

Jes - I love the hot air balloon picture and the view of the wine country!

Anonymous said...

How neat!!! What a beautiful place to live. Such gorgeous weather and it really looks like a lot of fun. Great photos!

Bacardi Mama said...

Great job with your captures. How fun for the kids to see the balloon.

audrey said...

Beautiful! The photo of the hot air balloon is awesome!

Jessie said...

My dogs wake me up every time a balloon goes over our house - which is actually quite often :) It looks like you had a fabulous weekend!

Unknown said...

great captures!
love the hot air balloon!

tiarastantrums said...

oh you get to plant already - lucky girl

Anonymous said...

How cool to have a hot air balloon land in your back yard! Great shots!!

Alice said...

gorgeous photos, such bright, rich colors! i love the hot air balloon and wow! right near your yard - wow! thanks for sharing your shots! i love your spring one, too.

come and visit the Shadow of the Cross. my post has to do with kids and balloons :O).